
(scroll down for Zimbabwe related articles)

Country Snapshot

Population: 14.15 million (2013)  

Life Expectancy: 58 years

Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2015                                      Rank: 131 of 180

Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2015                                      Rank: 150 of 168

Map (c) Google

Map (c) Google

Unemployment Rate: 95% ? (2009 estimate)   World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2015  Rank: 125 of 140

Formerly the British colony of Rhodesia / Southern Rhodesia. Ninety-two year old Robert Mugabe has ruled the country since 1980.

Tourist Highlights

The magnificent Victoria Falls, on the Zimbabwe / Zambia border are rightly considered among the top echelon of waterfalls worldwide.

The ancient ruins of Great Zimbabwe, near Masvingo in the south-east began being constructed in the 11th century.

African wildlife spotting locations, including at Lake Kariba, the world's largest manmade lake, where fishing, boating and other outdoor activities can be enjoyed.

Old world colonial charm of the larger towns like Harare and Bulawayo.


Zimbabwe Articles:

Funny Money and other Zimbabwean Oddities